Ship name former namesShip typeYear acquired commissionedServiceRole at time of lossGunsPresent ownerPennant no official numberCargo other and oil amount unspecifiedCargo oil tonnesBunker oil tonnesTonnage displacementLoss notesCauseLatLongField1CountryDate lossRequisitioned vessels hire detailsRequisitioned vessels original ownersYear launched a ▼Year launched bUnesco signatorWreck in situInvestigation conductedLegislationRef1Ref2Srn edWreck foundRow reports
Bravefrigate, Type 220000000.000.004100.00Paid off 1999. Sunk as target 400 miles off Irish coast.Scuttled - target0.0000000.0000000International Waters, North Atlantic0000-00-001983000000Vol.1 2020
Atlantic ConveyorContainer Ship (requestioned)0000000.000.0014950.00Crippled by Argentine A/C launched Exocet missiles 25/5/1982, sank under tow 28/5/1982Sunk by aircraft - missile0.0000000.0000000International Waters, S Atlantic0000-00-001982000000Protected Place, Protection of Military Remains Act 1986
BoxerFrigate, Type 220000000.000.004100.00Paid off 1999. Sunk as target 400 miles off Irish CoatScuttled - target0.0000000.0000000International Waters, North Atlantic0000-00-001981000000Vol.1 2020
ArdentFrigate, Type 210000000.000.002750.00crippled by multiple Argentine A/C bombs in Falkland Sound 21/05/1982, sank in Grantham Sound the next daySunk by aircraft - bomb0.0000000.0000000BOT, Falkland Islands0000-00-001975000000Protected Place, Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 / Falkland Islands Protection of Wreck Ordinance 1977Vol.1 2020
AntelopeFrigate, Type 210000000.000.002750.00damaged by Argentine A/C bombs in San Carlos Water, Falklands 23/5/1982 (one A4B Skyhawk shot down but crashed into the mainmast). Crippled by detonation of 2 unexploded bombs, burnt and sank next morningSunk by aircraft - bomb0.0000000.0000000BOT, Falkland Islands0000-00-001975000000Falkland Islands Protection of Wreck Ordinance 1977Vol.1 2020
Ironbridge (ex Invergordon)tender0000000.000.0078.00sunk as target 400 miles off Irish coastScuttled - target0.0000000.0000000International Waters, North Sea0000-00-001974000000Vol.1 2020
CoventryDestroyer, Type 42, Batch 10000000.000.000.00sunk by 3 Argentine A/C bombs, north west Falkland SoundSunk by aircraft - bomb0.0000000.0000000BOT, Falkland Islands0000-00-001974000000Vol.1 2020
SheffieldDestroyer, Type 42, Batch 10000000.000.000.00Crippled by Argentine A/C launched Exocet 4/5/1982, sank under tow north of Falklands 10/5/1982sunk by aircraft - missile0.0000000.0000001982BOT, Falkland Islands0000-00-001971000000Protected Place, Protection of Military Remains Act 1986Vol.1 2020
CharybdisFrigate, Type 12L, Leander Class, Batch 3A0000000.000.002450.00Sunk as target, Benbecula Rocket Range, Western Isles, ScotlandScuttled - target0.0000000.0000001993UK0000-00-001969000000Vol.1 2020
ScyllaFrigate, Type 12L, Leander Class, Batch 3A0000000.000.003200.00Paid off 1993. Sunk as artificial Reef, Whitsand Bay, near PlymouthScuttled - construction0.0000000.0000002004UK0000-00-001968000000Vol.1 2020