Ship name former namesShip typeYear acquired commissionedServiceRole at time of lossGunsPresent ownerPennant no official numberCargo other and oil amount unspecifiedCargo oil tonnesBunker oil tonnesTonnage displacementLoss notesCauseLatLongField1CountryDate lossRequisitioned vessels hire detailsRequisitioned vessels original ownersYear launched aYear launched bUnesco signatorWreck in situInvestigation conducted ▼LegislationRef1Ref2Srn edWreck foundRow reports
LCT(A) 2428Landing Craft Tank Armoured Mk V0000000.000.00290.00Suffered engine failure, then capsized under tow by HMS Jaunty, losing cargo of 2 Centaur IV tanks, 2 Caterpillar D7 bulldozers & 1 Jeep. Hull sunk 5nm S of Selsey Bill by gunfire from HMS Jaunty. Site comprises vehicle assemblage 6nm east of main wreckCapsized0.0000000.0000000UK0000-00-000000000001Scheduled Ancient Monument (vehicle assemblage only), The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979Maritime Archaeology Trust
MaryRoyal Yacht 80000000.000.0092.00Ex Dutch gifted 1660. Wrecked on the Skerries nr Holyhead, UKwrecked0.0000000.0000001675UK0000-00-000000000001Protection of Wrecks Act 1973Vol.1 2020
Anne3rd rate 700000000.000.001051.00run ashore and burnt at Winchelsea during Battle of Beachy Head, UKBurnt - to prevent capture0.0000000.0000000UK0000-00-000000000001Protection of Wrecks Act 1973Vol.1 2020
Coronation2nd rate 900000000.000.001345.00wrecked off Rame Head, Cornwall. Wreck site comprises two areas found 1967 and 1977wrecked0.0000000.0000001691UK0000-00-000000000001Protection of Wrecks Act 1973Vol.1 2020
Northumberland3rd rate 700000000.000.001041.00rebuilt 1701. Wrecked on the Goodwin Sands during the Great Storm. Wreck found 1979.wrecked0.0000000.0000000UK0000-00-000000000001Protection of Wrecks Act 1973Vol.1 2020
Resolution3rd rate 700000000.000.00902.00rebuilt 1698. Wrecked during the Great Storm at Pevensey, Sussex. Wreck found 2005.wrecked0.0000000.0000000UK0000-00-000000000001Protection of Wrecks Act 1973Vol.1 2020
Restoration3rd rate 700000000.000.001045.00rebuilt 1702. Wrecked on Goodwin Sands during the Great Storm. Wreck site linked to two areas found 1980 and 1999.wrecked0.0000000.0000000UK0000-00-000000000001Protection of Wrecks Act 1973Vol.1 2020
Stirling Castle3rd rate 700000000.000.001087.00rebuilt 1699. Wrecked on Goodwin Sands during the Great Storm. Wreck found 1979.wrecked0.0000000.0000000UK0000-00-000000000001Protection of Wrecks Act 1973Vol.1 2020
Hazardous4th rate 540000000.000.00875.00ex French Hasard captured 1703. Wrecked on sandbank nr Selsey Bill. Wreck found 1966 (gun recovered) and 1977 (main wreck).wrecked0.0000000.0000000UK0000-00-000000000001Protection of Wrecks Act 1973Vol.1 2020
Association2nd rate 960000000.000.001459.00wrecked on Scillies, UK. Wreck discovered 1967. Large numbers of artefacts recovered.wrecked0.0000000.0000000UK0000-00-000000000001Protection of Wrecks Act 1973Vol.1 2020